"In the land of the Nor, where the wyld winds blow, strange and mysterious creatures appear from the mounds below"
In the land of the Nor, there once was a great forest, a special forest, where trees of oak grew tall atop root-covered mounds. Sprouting vast canopies of leaves, the oaks were dotted with acorns that shimmered like gold.
Now, magnificence and beauty were not all that made this forest special—it was also where a curious and extraordinary event would occur, every so often and time after time. This is what happened in the forest, the very first time, long ago…
On that day, swirling winds blew in from everywhere, all meeting in the forest. The trees swayed together to welcome these new, mysterious winds.
One tree broke with the rhythm of the forest, and began to dance in its own way. Its leaves and boughs started to spiral, its roots twisted fiercely and its trunk churned. The spinning acorns flashed in the light and chimed together, brighter and louder and brighter and louder—until, finally, the tree stood still.
After a moment’s hush, all the acorns suddenly rained down, knocking on the mound below, slowly waking something within. The mound rumbled like thunder, until a strange creature came crashing through. The new winds—the wyld winds—then shifted, blowing in one direction only, setting the tree forever that way. The creature of the mound looked to the windswept oak, and started its journey where the bent tree pointed.
This is what happened the first time, and the time after that, then again, and so on and so on, but very, very long ago. Who knows when, but the creatures were named the Norwyld, and it turned out that each one had unique abilities and characteristics.